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18 January 2015


Fertilization and irrigation for maize

What is the fertilization method used for maize growing and how many supplementary irrigation jobs does it need for the best possible development, and at what stages do I need to apply them? 

Maize fertilization:

I attach the information contained in the "Guía Práctica de la Fertilización" (practical guide to fertilization) as a PDF file. This booklet was recently issued by the Spanish Ministry for Agriculture.

You can find the complete guide at :

Irrigation for maize:

The critical period in which the need for water is decisive for harvest yields is between three weeks before the appearance of fruiting plumes and one week after fertilization. If the plant suffers a shortage in its supply of water during this period, the final yield at harvest time will be substantially and irreversibly reduced.

In some regions weekly information is provided on what is known as the “evapo-transpiration” rate for the area, and on the basis of this value recommendations are established for irrigation rates.

A practical recommendation on how to program irrigation sessions: do so in intervals that allow the soil moisture to be retained at a steady 50 to 75% of the location's “field capacity”.

We have provided complementary information on maize irrigation as an attached document.  

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