Questions about agriculture | Tillage sowing and fertilizer works

We answer your questions about Tillage sowing and fertilizer works

From the Premio Arce Fundation, of the Superior Technical School of Agricultural Engineers of the technical college of Madrid will respond to all your doubts.

The Premio Arce fundation was created in 1990 and its main target is to foster, develop and promote the agrarian knowledge. Professors and researchers of recognized prestige collaborate with the Fundation

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Seeding and fetilizers, ask us

  • 10 June 2019
    Farm work in hillside soil

    Dear all at Bellota Agrisolutions: I would appreciate it if you could give me a few recommendations on the type of farm machinery to use and the sequence of the tasks required to till the land before sowing the crops, in the context of conservation tilling or minimum tillage.

  • 30 November 2017
    Photo credit: fturmog via / CC BY-NC-SA

    Hi, we are going to grow cork oak trees on a 16 acre plantation. My questions are:We have prepared the land and the subsoil perfectly. We want to plant the acorns in twos and at a depth of 12-15 cm. Are we on the right track?  What is the ideal time of year to plant them?

  • 5 March 2013
    Seed drills with sweeps are more suitable for stonier soils

    Are coulter seed drills suitable for stony soils? 

  • 5 May 2012
    Agricultural tools for doing light soil work before using cereal seed drills

    I would like to install a soil preparer attachment in front of my cereal seed drill so I can do two jobs at the same time: my question is what cultivator frame and coulter do you recommend? I only want to do a very light job and would like to eliminate my tractor tracks. Thanks in advance.

  • 18 January 2015
    Fertilization and irrigation for maize

    What is the fertilization method used for maize growing and how many supplementary irrigation jobs does it need for the best possible development, and at what stages do I need to apply them? 
