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24 October 2013


Sowing durum wheat-type cereals, type of agricultural tasks

I have a plot where I planted cereal (hard wheat) this year, due to the boundaries (neighbors) the next season I will plant cereal again (turnover the soil). Which type of tasks should I do on the land this autumn to prepare it for seeding? land turning, cultivator or nothing? Regards 

To be more specific with our answer we would need to know what was the production of the previous year and what was the stubble used for.  Also what type of soil is on the plot.  

If there is not much residue of stubble on the surface one or two passes with the cultivator (the second crossing the first at 20 - 25º) can be sufficient.  The intervention does not need to be more than 15-20 cm deep.It is also convenient to see the soil structure in different areas of the plot, because if it is good, direct seeding could be used, after applying a full action herbicide. 

Deeper sub-soiling is only recommended if hardened layers are seen at a depth that limits the root development of the cereal that is going to be planted.  Not forgetting that this type of intervention is more costly.

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